“To love a Dane is to love humor and destruction, kisses and drool, fur covered clothes and never a moment alone. To own a Dane is to own a natural disaster, a piece of heaven, a glimpse of hell. To have a Dane is to have patience and insanity, peace and chaos. They are like the winds blowing wildly in the storm and like grains of sand slipping through our fingers, To lose a Dane is to lose your heart, lose your ground, to lose faith and to lose ones self. To those who don’t own a Dane, we are crazy, silly, brave, confident, rich and poor. We look crazy with fur covered shirts and slobber covered pants, but our hearts are full. To see us with our giants is awe striking to those who have never lived with one, but little do they know, we are holding onto a piece of paradise and for only a glimmer of time.” – Author Unknown